Jan 2024
2023 was a year of renewed optimism to the benefits of Omega-3’s for both the enrichment of functional foods and for livestock nutrition. Over the course of the year, we visited and exhibited at various trade shows across North America, Asia, and the Middle East. Trade show attendance in 2023 was excellent with numerous meetings with existing customers as well as many new prospects. The opportunity to meet and discuss sustainable Omega-3 opportunities from land-based sources was done over a wide range of livestock species as well as companion animals.

The team in Atlanta, GA – IPPE
The ability to travel freely provided the O&T team with meetings across our wide network and it was great to see so many new faces. The opportunities for the introduction of functional foods like Omega-3 dairy, Omega-3 chicken and Omega-3 beef is definitely alive across the globe.
In January we started at the International Production and Processing Expo (IPPE) in Atlanta, GA. The IPPE always feels like it’s a homecoming for us, as we enjoy the 50+ years of service to the poultry industry, renewing so many associations with colleagues from around the world. We also had the opportunity to meet new industry leaders; greeting many university associates that are learning the industry and particularly the benefits of Omega-3 nutrition for livestock. O&T is proud to sponsor numerous Omega-3 livestock research projects at the University of Guelph, UC Davis CA, Penn State University, and the University of Florida.

University of Guelph colleagues at IPPE
Continuous learning is a two-way street, and it is part of O&T’s responsibility as an industry leader of Omega-3 feed ingredients to support the various Universities with extension research. Continued Omega-3 breakthroughs for both ruminant and mono-gastric livestock nutritional research continue to foster the expansion and adoption of our linPRO products. We had the pleasure of meeting students focused on Omega-3 poultry research from the University of Guelph at both the National Poultry Show in London, ON and at the IPPE in Atlanta, GA.
These students are researching the benefits of Omega-3’s into breeder hens for both layers and broilers and then focusing of the epigenetic nutritional benefits to their progeny. The University of Guelph research on Omega-3’s and epigenetics supports the benefits of linPRO for poultry nutrition. Keep an eye on our Research page in mid 2024 where we will post these findings as soon as the final broiler manuscript are submitted.
Always a pleasure to see past University research candidates connecting into the industry. We caught up with Aizwarya (Ash) Thanabalan at the National Poultry Show in the spring of 2023. Ash studied at Guelph working with Dr. Elijah Kiarie and focused her PhD thesis on the study of epigenetics and the benefits linPRO onto broiler progeny. Certainly a way for O&T to give support back to the poultry industry and stay at the front of Omega-3 nutritional opportunities.

Aizwarya Thanabalan catching up at the National Poultry Show, London, ON

The team at 2023 VIV Asia – Bangkok, Thailand
In March we returned to Bangkok, Thailand for the 2023 VIV Asia conference where once again we welcomed many collaborators, colleagues, and representatives to our exhibit. We are proud to represent Canada at the largest animal nutrition conference/exhibition in Asia. In fact, we found that the Canadian brand brought trust and value to complement our Omega-3 linPRO messaging. We were encouraged by many attendees who commented on our tradeshow messaging – clean, nutritional, and healthy.
Our colleagues from around the world joined us in Bangkok in representing our linPRO product lines.
As the fall set in we returned to Madison, Wisconsin where we exhibit at World Dairy Expo in the cow coliseum. With over 75,000 attendees, we likely see every one of them pass by the O&T booth as they visit the cow showcase in the Coliseum.
Each of our visits adds to our understanding of the benefits that sustainable Omega-3’s bring to livestock and functional foods. Part of O&T business process is being at the various feed and food shows to support our industry and 2023 was a great year. We want to say thanks to all the customers that trust and support us and to various trade shows that provide the network for us to market and promote healthier and nutritional better Omega-3’s.
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