LinPRO is more than flaxseed / linseed, it’s the best Omega-3 feed ingredient
O&T Farms developed linPRO, its patented Omega-3 specialty feed ingredient, using its dry-extrusion process. Combining the fat from flaxseed with land-based proteins creates digestible and palatable Omega-3 feed ingredients for a wide variety of livestock needs. The consistency of linPRO will support your Omega-3 needs for either livestock health reasons or to enrich functional food products (eggs, dairy or meats).
The LinPRO Advantage
Livestock Health
- Reproduction improvement
- Improved immunity
- Epigenetic opportunities
- Increased growth performance
- Better overall health (SCC Ruminant)

Omega-3 Functional Food
- Consistent and reliable delivery of Omega-3s into functional food
- Consistent sensory profile (no change to taste, texture, smell, or color)

- Improved feed conversion
- Consistent nutritional profile (protein, fat and amino acid)
- Very palatable
- Shelf stable for over 12 months
- Improved energy availability
- BHA fat stabilizer used in linPRO-B24 and linPRO-BR
- Increased milk yield
- Improved livestock growth

LinPRO does not have the following anti-nutritional factors that raw flaxseed or linseed has:
- Trypsin inhibitor (mucilage) decreases endogenous enzymes
- Non-starch polysaccharides (mucilage) increase intestinal viscosity causing reduced digestibility
- Cyanogenic glycosides present in flaxseed produce hydrogen cyanide when the seed is crushed and exposed to water
- Pytochemicals in flaxseed complete with estrogen to decrease calcium absorption.