O&T Farms and the Wiens Family inducted into the Canadian Western Agribition Hall of Fame

Grand Champion Steer ’92
Sep 2023
O&T Farms is honoured to celebrate our founders and the Wiens family who have been inducted into the Canadian Western Agribition Hall of Fame. Brothers, Oscar and Ted Wiens, started the business as an egg laying operation in 1967 in Saskatchewan. By the early 1980s, O&T Farms had become the second largest egg producer in Canada and developed into a diverse agribusiness with expertise in layer, broiler and pullet production, agricultural equipment sales, egg grading and marketing, animal feed and animal feed supplement manufacturing.
Ted and Oscar had different personalities and skill sets which complemented each other well. Ted was the visionary who spearheaded sales and marketing, and Oscar was detail-oriented, making sure that the highest standards were achieved. Over the companies’ earliest years, Oscar and Ted became enthusiastic and tireless supporters of Agribition, recognizing the show’s value to agri-business and international marketing. Ted was involved in the development of the famous Sale of Champions, which began as the Steak and Eggs breakfast. The Sale of Champions was always well-supported by O&T Farms, and as active bidders we often purchased items, including the grand champion eggs.

Hilda Wiens
The most exciting purchase during Agribition bidding came the year that we outbid CN Rail for the Grand Champion steer. We remember the glamour and excitement of the steer show in the old Exhibition Auditorium. Ted, Oscar, Tim and his brother Bob and cousin Don, beamed with pride beside their steer which ended up costing them just over $13,000.

Tim Wiens and his mother Hilda Wiens

Ted Wiens at the famous “egg booth”
The famous “egg booth” supported by the Saskatchewan Poultry Council and O&T Poultry was an Agribition mainstay for years. The original booth was right beside the Poultry Council display, which included live birds and a variety of contests and attractions. For decades, that booth was the most popular breakfast spot on the grounds for livestock exhibitors featuring omelets and smoked turkey sandwiches. It was the long line-up nobody ever minded waiting in, and the food was delicious. As the poultry industry involvement in the show evolved, O&T staff and families gradually took over the operation of the food booth, which continued to operate for many years.
The Wiens family were familiar faces around the grounds for decades, and after Ted’s untimely passing in 1993, Hilda continued to be a fixture at the show. The next generation took up the volunteer commitment challenge, and Ted and Hilda’s son Tim served on the Agribition board for ten years, contributing to many organizational efforts, with a special interest and long-term involvement with the International Business Centre and committee.
As the years have passed, we have transitioned from the original layer and grading operation for eggs, into a specialty feed ingredient manufacturing business. As pioneers in the production of high quality, Omega-3 enhanced feed ingredients, we are utilizing the flaxseed that is grown in Saskatchewan. Adding value to ingredients like flaxseed and pulses through our patented dry-extrusion process we ensure the world knows where to look for nutritionally better ingredients. Our linPRO brand for the Omega-3 specialty livestock and petfood ingredients are now sold world-wide and that is a continuation of the original business model that Oscar and Ted started.
We recognize the importance of Agribition to marketing and sales strategies and that it starts right here in Saskatchewan. Over the years, O&T Farms has been an exhibitor and contributor across several parts of the show, most recently with involvement at the International Forum and Grain Expo.

O&T Poultry 1974

O&T Farms 2023
We are proud of our founders and the family for being recognized for their significant contributions to our business and to the Agribition show. Our team hopes to see you at this years Agribition for the induction of O&T Farms and the Wiens family into the Canadian Western Agribition Hall of Fame.
Healthy Feed – Healthy Animals – Healthy Food