Omega-3 in Commercial Eggs

Research Abstract


The Effect of Enzyme Supplementation on Egg Production Parameters and Omega-3 Fatty Acid Deposition in Laying Hens Fed Flaxseed and Canola Seed

Authors :

W. Jia, B.A. Slominski and W. Guenter (University of Manitoba);
A.Humphreys (Nutreco Canada);and
O. Jones (Canadian Bio-Systems Inc.)

Purpose :

To evaluate the effect of feeding LinPRO to laying hens to produce eggs that contain a significant level of Omega-3 fatty acids for the commercial egg market.

Methodology :

648 laying hens under semi controlled conditions were randomly assigned six test diets, administered through the production peak (39 to 63 weeks of age)
Birds were weighed individually at the start and end of the experiment
Egg production was recorded daily, and eggs were weighed in the middle of each period
Using a wide number of scientific methods, the following were tested :
Egg production
Hen Weight and Eggshell quality
Digesta Viscosity and Total Tract Fat and NSP Digestibilities
Egg Fatty Acid Profile

Results :

Feeding LinPRO at an inclusion rate of 15% in the commercial laying hen diet resulted in an Omega-3 fatty acid content of >350mg per 52g egg.

Conclusion :

High levels of dietary flax adversely affected hen production performance. Inclusion of LinPRO in laying hen diets diminished these effects and, as well, increased the Omega-3 content of eggs to a level greater than the 300mg/52g egg required by CFIA labelling guidelines.


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