Omega-3s Improve Swine Production
- Improve feed conversion
- Alleviate heat stress
- Improve fertility
- Increase auto-immune function
- Promote better overall health
Feeding sows a diet with higher level of Omega-3 fatty acids can significantly improve the heart health and immune system of sows and piglets.
Why LinPRO?
LinPRO is a unique blend of flax and pulses extruded under controlled temperature and pressure in our patented dry extrusion process. The resulting product provides outstanding nutrition and health benefits to swine, significantly improving overall swine performance. LinPRO is also an acceptable alternative to soybean meal as a protein supplement for use in growing-finishing swine diets,.
Key Benefits of linPRO
- A quality source of energy and amino acids
- A readily available sourde of Omega-3 energy
- shelf-ready (No Grinding Necessary)
- Stable, with a shelf life over 12 months
- Nutritionally supported, with improved fat & protein digestibility
Enhance Sow Performance with LinPRO
Feeding linPRO to sows enhances sow performance and improves the survivability of piglets.

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